Sunday, May 17, 2020

Assalamualaikum & Greetings,

This is my thesis title, "The Concept of Positive Peace in Islamic Banking Sector in Malaysia" What do you think?

Monday, January 20, 2020

Key success

As usual, like a normal person. Waking up in the morning with all praises to Allah. Start my Axia and go to school. sha la la la...

I am alive. Elhamdulillah.

Ok, just a short hadeeth for today.

"Focus on what benefits you, seek the help of Allah and don't give up." - Muslim

I am not talking to anybody, but talk to myself which sometimes and even always lost the track.

Approaching my end of January, revising all my January's KPI and another eleven months to go for this year.

Ok, I pen off now. Shall jot down more. (hopefully with new 'azam' - haha every year cakap macam tu).

Land of Mangga.
Northern with hot season day

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 ya 2020

Alhamdulillah hari ni 1.1.2020. Hari yang pernah suatu ketika dahulu kami zaman kanak-kanak teringat kita akan menuju negara maju pada tahun 2020.

Tiada apa yang menarik sejak pulang ke sini. Life lebih fokus kepada apa yang masih belum selesai. Cuma kena perkemaskan dengan tautan azam yang kuat. Pagi tadi isu di radio pun bincang tentang Azam. Azam bermaksud kerja keras, bukan sekadar berangan semata-mata.

Setiap hari pasang niat baru.
Semoga 2020 menjadi permulaan yang baru, 'fresh', new inspirations, inspiring successes dan insha Allah setiap permulaan journey itu pasti akan menuju garisan penamat. Insha Allah.

Be positive.

"It always seem impossible until its DONE." Nelson Mandela. 

Softening Brush

 Bismillah. The hectic week has just begun, and I need to slot in my packed time, even 5 minutes, to sharpen my art skill of sketching up an...