Monday, September 20, 2021

D553 Ada apa dengan hari ini?

 Bismillah. 20 September. Hari isnin. Ada apa dengan hari ini? Ya ada. banyak. Paling penting lesen memandu aku luput hari ini. Semalaman hujan, pepagi lagi aku bersiap-siap sebab pagi ini ada mesyuarat, makanya aku kena cepat selesaikan urusan lesen mandu. Dalam renyai-renyai hujan, ku terus ke Bakri Agensi untuk renew, tinggal dulu nanti petang singgah ambil. Lepas tu teringat nak singgah baitulmal untuk ambil resit amanah Ustaz minggu lepas.

Sementara tunggu dikaunter, aku dapat mesej dari sahabatku iium, tapi mesej dari orang lain, pesanan dari seorang kakak yang aku sangat2 rindui. Subhanallah.. Allahuakbar... rupa-rupanya dia juga merindui aku. Betapa aku ingat segala kebaikan dalam perkenalan kami sejak 2008/2010 dulu. Aku tak terucap hanya menahan ayaq mata kat kaunter tu sbb diorang ingat apa tiba2 duk menangis depan kaunter.. sebak sbb aku hanya kirimkan rindu dalam doa buatnya dan buat arwah suaminya yg juga senior aku.. aku segan nak mesej, hanya utusan doa melalui Rabbi buatnya agar dia kuat, tabah, redha dan pasrah atas kehendak Illahi. Tapi Allah kirimkan melalui Kak Sak maklumat ini yang sangat dekat dengan aku.. Allah... aku speechless seharian hari ni. Begitulah doa itu senjata orang mukmin. Aku yakin, aku percaya dan aku yakin segala-galanya daripada Allah. tak boleh nak gambar rasa ni. Allahuakbar. Sesungguhnya aku berdoa buat semua sahabat-sahabat ku yang dikasihi kerana Allah, bertemu kita keranaNya, berpisah kita keranaNya, kasih sayang adalah keranaNya. Kalian selalu, selalu sentiasa berada dekat dalam doa-doaku...kerana mungkin aku tidak dekat bersama kalian waktu susah dan getir, hanya doa saja mampu aku kirimkan buat kalian atas segala kebaikan yang pernah kuterima daripada kalian. 

Adui... syahdu sungguh hari ni.. all my x-UM dan IIUM kalian abadi dalam doaku.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

D551~Berdamai di hati

 Bismillah. Rutin hujung mingguku penuh kerelaan dan kedamaian di hati. Sepertimana dalam kajianku..iaitu konsep perdamaian atau keamanan adalah asas dan berakar dalam prinsip Islam itu sendiri bahawa ia merangkumi keseluruhan cara hidup Islam, undang-undang, ritual, zikir, dan adat istiadatnya. Islam pertama-tama kali mengajar individu itu untuk berdamai dengan Penciptanya dengan rela mematuhi segala perintah dan larangannya. Seterusnya mengajarkan kita untuk hidup harmoni sebagai anggota keluarga bangsa atau negara...

The concept of peace is fundamental and profound rooted in the tenets of Islam that it permeates the entire Islamic way of life, its laws, rituals and customs. Islam first teaches the individual to be at peace with his Creator by willingly obeying his commands. Then, it next teaches him to live in harmony as a member of a family, a people or a nation and finally lays down rules for the peaceful co-existence of the different peoples and countries themselves. 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

D545 Believe it

Bismillah. Again. Clock in. Refine some important part. Review and revise them sloy. Believe it. And make it happens. Insha Allah. 
~Damai di❤️~

Saturday, September 11, 2021

D544 Hold it tightly..

Bismillah. Clock in for the routine that I must complete for this year. This month of my born month and the fourth quarter of this year. I believe this month of completing all the important parts related to my study. Just a little. Hold it and dream it to submit as soon as possible. Don't care about what you think others may say, don't bother it. You just aim to focus on your final task before submission. Just a simple reminder to myself today, one of my seniors (when I was a degree) passed away due to C19. O Allah, forgive him and elevate his station among those who are guided. Send him along the path of those who came before, and forgive him and us, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for him his grave and shed light upon him in it. 

XX adding from missing 26th August 2021:

Bismillah. As usual, tight with the normal routine even though I took a quite long leave for the third quarter of 2021. Since next week, the fourth quarter will embark soon. I keep asking myself what actually I have achieved this year. Especially in the context of my study, I would say it is quite slow and almost out of my plan but marginally progress. Insha Allah the first month of the fourth quarter is greater quick progress to submit for the final viva voce. Insha Allah. In the meantime, all other parts for the enhancement in the research programmes shall not be forgotten since the full accreditation is just around the corner. Hopefully, this programme will be successfully accredited. More suspended is who is going to be the new leader. All are still questionable. As for me, writing this blog always brought me into a simple reminder of what actually still need to be done and should be completed. Yes of course a lot. And hopefully, I manage to do all the tasks without realising my limitation which I always keep reminding myself too aware of and improve from time to time. Remember, your journey should be finished soon. Insha Allah.

Softening Brush

 Bismillah. The hectic week has just begun, and I need to slot in my packed time, even 5 minutes, to sharpen my art skill of sketching up an...